Sunday, January 31, 2010

Big Storm is Over, Who Survived?

Two weeks of storm with serious winds and lots of rain. Plants should like that. A walk-around the yard shows the lime tree's droopy leaves have fallen off, but scratching the branches still reveals green wood. It looks moribund so, if I don't put it into the ground (from the half-barrel it has lived in for 10 years), there's no down-side to a major pruning. A quick check of YouTube revealed a 4:43 Aussie video that gave me courage. I might even take the chain saw to the BIG grapefruit/lemon tree.

Another candidate for drastic pruning is the star jasmine. I had intended it as a ground cover and it was great at that, but it really wants to climb. So now that the 7' trellis is no longer trapped by the huge rose, I'll prune the jasmine to maybe 2 feet-diameter and let it use the trellis. Or, put the Stephanotis into the ground with that trellis for support? The star jasmine seems too plebian to deserve such a prominent role.  

Other winter casualties seem to be the miniature pomegranate in the 1-gallon pot and the night blooming jasmine. But it's real tough so maybe it'll come back.

Lots of digging and transplanting to do! Put the lavender in the ground, ditto the azalea; English roses...

The Hellebores is blooming well, as are the two varigated Daphnes. I wish blogs could convey scents -- Daphnes truly have very lovely scents.

Oh and when the temperature stays above 60, I will put out the bees. I got as Christmas presents a bunch of blue bees who are currently hibernating in the 'fridge.

1 comment:

astranavigo said...

I grow a lot of Daphne up here, as well - it's a grand thing to have this early in the season.

Up here in Oregon, we're having an early spring, thanks to the lack of cold weather. It was 55deg. here yesterday; our biggest problem is going to be water-supply, as our snowpack in the Portland area is 66% of normal....