I started out using Miracle-Gro which I believe was 10-10-10. Dissolve in water, spray onto leaves, every two weeks. That was tedious, and I didn't see much difference before and after feeding. Then I just sprinkled the granules around my plants -- still no difference.
Moved on to liquid boosters. No effect at all. Tried Peter's 12-55-6. That seemed to have some effect, bu

An experienced and successful gardening friend recommended fish meal. Yuck, the very idea, the smell...
Then I went to El Real Nursery in Santa Clara. I think they survived on landscape design and installation. The Daphne I bought there only had leaves near the crown and had moss on its soil! But Daphnes are special so I bought it anyway ($32 for a 2 gallon plant). Then I noticed that their in-ground lemon tree was absolutely busting with fruit, as are their other in-ground plants. So I asked what they used. They recommended E.B. Stone Organics Ultra Bloom. The formulation is, surprisingly, 0-10-10 -- nothing for leaves, a little for flowers and a little for roots. Their citrus food was really low in all three ingredients (already threw out the box so can't report that mix exactly). The granules should be sprinkled on the soil every 3 months, not much work at all. Wow, was I impressed with the results! My lemon tree is busting with fruits (hum, why is the lime tree not doing as well? It got fertilized too). So until I stumble upon something better, I'm a convert. Not all fertilizers are the same.
1 comment:
If you find something your lime likes, I'd love to hear it. Mine flowers but never sets fruit! Okay, I don't water as consistently as I should, and I don't use ANY fertilizer other than occasionally throwing coffee grounds or tea leaves on it, which works for the azaleas and camellias...my housemate makes a huge carafe of coffee every day, so I have a lot to spread around!
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