Whoopie! My sister sent me a 4 inch high, two twig Night Blooming Jasmine plant. It looked healthy but I babied it anyway. Re-potted it into lovely SuperSoil and added more perlite as well as vermiculite, added an earthworm. Dunno how well the worm likes living in a pot, but even if it dies, it'll still enrich the soil. Put a clear plastic bag upside-down over the plant that's held upright with a chopstick stuck into the side of the pot. The bottom of the bag is open for ventilation. I put the plant on a warm windowsill that gets only morning sun.

In a week, it bloomed! Really powerful fragrance coming out of the bottom of the plastic bag -- filled the whole kitchen! What a fragrance! Marcel Proust was right, the smell brought me right back to my childhood in the tropics of Asia with all those old emotions unchanged.
Now I've removed the bag and placed the whole plant in it so that the top is open to let more of the fragrance out, but the sides are right up to the top so the interior environment should still be very humid.
It really does only bloom at night. In the day time, the flowers are closed.
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